Danbury Catholic will be collecting non-perishable items through November 22nd. These items will then be given to our local food pantry. You may send them with your student(s) or you may drop them off before or after school. We appreciate your help!
Thank you!
Please join The Knights of Columbus and some of our very own Danbury Catholic staff and students for this delicious breakfast! The Knights do a wonderful job of giving back!
We will have no school on May 10th due to plant sale items being picked up. As the date approaches we will have more details. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Julie Hamann.
On May 3rd we will celebrate The Crowning of Mary after 8:30 am Mass. After the crowning we will have the living rosary outside (weather permitting) in front of Danbury Catholic School. Those who are able, are welcome to join us. If we are unable to be outside, we will hold it in the gym instead.